
TinyWars Prototype Publicly Available on Android and PC Download

TinyWars Prototype Publicly Available on Android and PC Download 1080 1499 andrew

For too long we’ve been teasing character artwork and music without any point of contact with an actual product, finally we are happy to announce the public release of our gameplay prototype! The prototype is available for both Windows PC and Android devices, and can be downloaded here.

Feel free to play our prototype if you want!

What’s Next?

Here’s a break down of the development timeline:

  1. Implement the new menu systems and visual theme. (As close to final as possible, what you see in the prototype is only temporary)
  2. Begin work on assets for the cutscenes and story elements. (The next demo will feature the first chapter of the game, including story and gameplay.)
  3. Develop/Program the new story cutscenes
  4. Build out the tutorial level (There will only be one tutorial level, then the player can jump directly into full featured gameplay.)
  5. Build out the first levels’ gameplay sequences.
  6. Finish animation frames for units and enemies.
  7. Compile everything together into the game and release the first official demo. (What is currently released is a prototype, what we plan to release will be an actual representative demo.)

New Visual Theme


Imagine somebody has been collecting hints and evidence for the existence of “tiny people” and has been compiling all this evidence into a scrapbook: This is the theme of TinyWars in terms of menu design as well as how we plan to deliver the story. It is slightly complicated to explain without a video or some better visuals, but in terms of the TinyWars story, there has been a lot of events that happened before the main game that lead up to this tiny “war.”

Part of the purpose of this book is to help deliver an account for all the events that have happened. Of course, if the player has no interest in this, they don’t have to explore the journal entries. You can play through the entire game of TinyWars and experience just the story of Mary and the girls saving the kingdom without having to read any of these entries. However, those who take their time to read through the entries might experience a totally different story. And perhaps, some elements and references in the game’s cutscenes will be clearer.

Any extremely key events will be included in the game’s main cutscenes, but other story elements that I deem optional will be put into the optional reading. If the game is able to raise a larger budget, ideally I’d like to have all the journal entries animated or at least in some form of interactive cutscene, however I think most of these smaller entries will be text format. Sorry, I know it doesn’t sound like the most exciting thing in the world! I promise that I will do my best to at least give justice to at least some of the bigger key events.

Is the Story Really That Good?

The game looks so cute and happy right? How could it possibly have a deep and interesting story, it’s probably some cliche anime girl story right?


While I am in no position to brag about the story which has yet to be materialized into the game, all I can say in response is that I will be very surprised if the game does not receive an “M” rating after all the story elements and visuals are put into the game.

Anything Else to Say About the Game?

I really wish I could say more about this project, without having the game released, most of what I discuss is just concept at the moment. There’s a lot of material here that I would love to discuss! We will be releasing some official music tracks to help build up some excitement for the game.


This is just a mockup image of the music “cover.” There will be more to discuss when the soundtrack is released. I hope you will enjoy our live recorded orchestra, some beautiful violin pieces, and some great action/boss fight background music!


Gameplay Prototype (Closed Beta) Has Officially Begun!

Gameplay Prototype (Closed Beta) Has Officially Begun! 1004 1075 andrew

The TinyWars gameplay prototype is finally in the hands of beta testers! Wave 1 or “phase 1” of the closed beta testing has begun. This means that the beta is not publicly accessible, but as a trade off, when the beta is released to the public it should be polished and ready for everyone!

Beta Testing “Waves”

How appropriate is it, for a tower defense game, to be tested in “waves?” These waves are divided up based on the volunteers who signed up to be beta testers!


Refer to this incredible chart to see the difference in wave sizes. (Sorry, pulled all-nighter to finish the prototype…)

Because there may still be game breaking bugs present in the current beta build, we want the first wave to have a small number of people. We want to inconvenience the smallest amount of people in the event some horrible bug comes up and renders the experience unplayable.

Wave 2: Will have a moderate amount of people, if all game breaking glitches and bugs are taken care of, then we will be primarily concerned with “fun factor” and ways we can address that! (approximately week #2)

Wave 3: After considerations from wave 2 and wave 3, the largest group will be able to play the beta and provide feedback. Minor bugs and visual glitches may be addressed at this point before the gameplay prototype is released to the public! (approximately week #3)

Public Release: If all the game breaking bugs are taken care of and we feel that the fun factor is there, then we will release this exact prototype to the public immediately after Wave 3 is finished beta testing!

Have You Played It Yourself?

Of course… I’ve played it so much that I’m sick of it. What? I can’t be sick of it? I guess the game isn’t perfect unless I can play it a million times without getting sick of it right?? Give me a break!


This is my battle report. (I have censored out the map because I do not want to reveal my unit placement.)

I have played through the beta one final time before releasing it to the beta testers and have proved that it is indeed possible to beat the beta with a perfect score!

10/10 means that I took no damage. We only grade our players on the final castle health. We don’t rate your gameplay on units, unit diversity, or spending efficiency like some other tower defense games. In TinyWars, the ends justify the means. Do whatever you have to do to end up with a perfect 10/10, you will get your 3 stars!

How do I sign up?

Message TinyWars Game on the official facebook page with your name and email address and you will be added to the beta testing roster! The roster has filled up quite quickly, so you may be added to Wave 3 until Wave 3 becomes so full that we might have to reject some signups.



TinyWars Gameplay Prototype Ready for Testing This Week!

TinyWars Gameplay Prototype Ready for Testing This Week! 1228 1228 andrew

After all the teasing, artwork, and seemingly “random” cast of characters, we are pleased to announce that officially NONE of those connections or story will be clarified at all! This gameplay prototype serves one purpose, the backbone of the gameplay for TinyWars and gameplay, as a mechanism to deliver our story! Sorry, that has to wait for the real demo! It would be an injustice to the story if we released a buggy game attached to it!


credits-page-menu-compressed main-menu-prorotype-compressed-2 in-game-screenshot in-game-screenshot-2 screenshot-title

How to become a Beta Tester

Beta testing will begin this Thurdsay, October 20th, 2016. We have a pretty hefty list of volunteers to conduct the beta testing, however we are happy to have more!

Beta Tester Signup:

Send a message to TinyWars with your email address! That’s it!


If you don’t have facebook (which is the easiest way to get in contact with us), you may also contact us via the contact form on this website!

Plans for Beta Test

We plan to release the beta downloads in waves, once per week until the beta testers have run out! First wave will test the first beta, after we have a few days to address some common issues or bugs, we will release the revised beta to the next wave, and continue this for a span of 2 – 4 weeks before the bug free beta is released to the public!

The beta will be released on a first come first serve basis, beginning with our closest personal contacts first, then branching out to the volunteers on our beta testing roster, beginning with those who were added earliest!

Unfinished Aspects of the Beta


Many animations in the current gameplay prototype are totally incomplete! As you can see from the picture above, a lot of love and car goes into every single animation frame! We can not spare enough time to incorporate the full animations. We need to get people playing this game or else I fear that some may loose interest and hope in the project! The prototype will be the first manifestation of TinyWars as a video game.

Up until this point, all TinyWars has been was a bunch of images and characters with supposedly “interesting stories” but nothing to deliver the story. This prototype will do nothing to clarify this! But it will have somethings in it to look out for, mainly gameplay experiences.

What is in store for the future?

After the gameplay prototype has been thoroughly tested and perfected (and I don’t expect it to be 100% perfect at this point, but polished up enough), We will begin work on the actual, official, real TinyWars game! The idea being that, once the first few levels of the real campaign have been developed, we can release that as a true TinyWars demo and give the players a real experience of what is in store for them!

I hope people will get a taste for the unique story telling and tower defense/siege gameplay we want to bring to the table. Anyways, this is all for now, if you are interested in beta testing be sure to contact us!

TinyWars Fan Art Contest 2016 Winners!!!

TinyWars Fan Art Contest 2016 Winners!!! 575 575 andrew

Congratulations to everyone who entered this contest! Judging this was really hard, there were so many incredible entries (more than we ever expected!) but only 7 winners to choose. Here are the winners!



If your entry was one of the 7 winning entries, you may feature this badge on your DeviantArt entry description! It would help us a lot. Congratulations!

[masterslider id=”3″]



Feel free to include this little badge in your DeviantArt entry description if your piece was featured as an Honorable Mention! 🙂

Honorable Mentions are also included in the slideshow above as well. Please check to see if your artwork was awarded!

Additional Honorable Mentions:


Shoutout to Citaru

Another great and dramatic pose for Suzu!


Shoutout to  DrawXAngel 

Love your take on our character posters!


Shoutout to emiyana

The size, the pose, and Kumo’s expression is so fitting!


Shoutout to  Annacchii

This is one cute Eve!


Shoutout to Ithieldaer

The happiest looking tiny artwork!” – Chibionpu (Contest Judge and Artist)


Shoutout to  MiahWolf for this very cute piece of Kumo! 


Shoutout to Raisence

The idea is super cute! I never thought about tiny people traveling with balloons like that!


Shoutout to abrina Moody. This is lovely!



What is TinyWars All About?

What is TinyWars All About? 2264 1080 andrew

TinyWars is about people that are tiny, and their wars, which are also relatively tiny.

A Tiny Story

TinyWars is, at its core, a story, a journey and discovery of the “tiny people” as they journey through their world and learn about things which are greater than themselves. TinyWars is both a tale about the tiny kingdom, which is under attack throughout the game as it is also a tale of the main character, Mary, as she learns to grow up, fight against those who think she is small and young, and as she pursues her journey to save the tiny kingdom.


Characters Show Case Mary (marked)

This is Mary!

Tower Defense

The game is a tower defense game, featuring not hundreds of small, easy levels but rather a few carefully designed levels all different in their own way. We aim to bring the challenge level of TinyWars to a higher degree, requiring users to not mindlessly place towers but to carefully think, budget, and place their units wisely. All the aspects of a tower defense game ingeniously parallel the aspects of the story and “learning to grow up.”

Bright World Render 1D

Parallels with Life

Part of growing up means one must learn to manage their finances wisely. One must learn when to speak up and when to be quiet, when the right time to act is and when it’s not the right time to set out your most powerful unit! And where to be at what time. Careful consideration must be put into all of your “moves” in life. And that it can be at times, impossible to predict what will be in the “next wave” that life throws at you. All these things must be taken into account, whether you are playing a tower defense game or just growing up.

Grass Village OST Title Square - (small)

Irresistibly Fascinating

I hope you will find the story of TinyWars to be clever, enchanting, cute, and irresistibly fascinating! Though we do go into great depths and folklore, most of the story is easy to digest and very accessible to any casual player. The deepest and darkest pits of the story are available to those who truly want to know more, in the form of in-game notes which can be collected and read. And sometimes these notes may contain secrets or tips on how to beat a future level. – Just another fact of growing up, those who read may be able to get an advantage or more insight over those who don’t!

Cutscene talking box test - Copy

How Can I Learn More?

Who are all these cute girls? How can I know more about them when the game is still very far from release? And this is something we hope to be able to tease, explore and release various bits and pieces of the story for all to enjoy! Perhaps it will curate interest in our game and perhaps it will give people a better idea of the game before they know if they really like it or not. Seeing pictures of cute girls may not be enough to get people to like our game of course! But if you see the cute girls, hear the amazing soundtrack, and know a little about our story and still don’t like TinyWars, then I’m afraid something may be wrong with YOU! (not sorry…)

Feel free to join us on our development journey and see all the bread crumbs and updates we post along the way!

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