tinywars wallscroll

TinyWars WallScroll Quality Review

TinyWars WallScroll Quality Review 869 1080 andrew

We just received our first wallscroll sample, we inspected the sample and here is our review!

– 9.5 inch width
– 13 inch height (approximate)
– Plastic and fabric construction

Scroll up front - Copy

Print Quality

Scroll Close Up

The print quality on the fabric is really nice! We really like how the colors came out nice and vivid. Very true to the original RGB color image, a bit more contrast but very nice!

Scroll Close Up 2

This is definitely the type of item we would love to hold a giveaway for, fan art contest, etc. We might also consider selling these at conventions and other events. Personally, as someone who has attended many conventions, I would never pay for a paper poster! (Unless the artwork is super awesome!!!)

Scroll Close Up 3

One thing that I was concerned about was the print quality of the text. My concerns were correct as the text did not come out as sharply as the rest of the image. This may be due to the fact that the text is on the very edge of the image, perhaps the fabric or something is stretched? I didn’t expect the text to come out super sharp, but I also did not expect the details of the face to be as sharp as they are! (See above image.)

Text Quality

Scroll Text

From far away, the text appears perfectly fine. Of course this is a very small poster so some may come up for a closer inspection. As you can see on the “S” and the words “software,” the text is not exactly what I would consider sharp, however I’m amazed that the words “software”, as tiny as they are, are still readable! This wallscroll really did go beyond my expectations in terms of print quality.


Scroll Size

We chose to go with such a small size because we knew if the quality of the print came out well on such a tiny wallscroll, then we can expect even better on a larger print! (With less cost for the sample.) I am in favor of ordering more of these smaller scrolls due to the size as well as cost.

We can sell these for a good price that isn’t too expensive and also many people will have more room to place a smaller poster than a larger one. A large one could serve as a great giveaway prize though!

Our HQ is getting more and more bright as we get physical marketing materials in, preparing for the story demo launch.

Fabric Quality

Scroll Fabric Quality

The quality of the fabric on the edges is a bit jagged, compared to some of the AAA wallscrolls that I own, I can say that this is certainly of lesser quality than those AAA wallscrolls that have very straight and clean edges. For me, this isn’t a deal killer, at least not for a scroll of this size. I would expect the larger print scrolls to have straighter edges, possible because the fabric for the larger ones are pre-cut. (Just an assumption, we’ll have to see.)

Fabric Thickness

The thickness of the fabric is nice, definitely very similar to the AAA posters. It’s not translucent unless you place a light behind it. The thickness of the fabric is very nice, I feel confident that it won’t rip or get damaged if it was pulled or blown in the wind.

Plastic Quality

The plastic parts of the scroll are what you would expect from a tiny wallscroll. Very light and the end caps fell off pretty easily. No string included which is a bummer, but it does include little hooks which I used as anchors for tape. Who needs strings when you can use tape? I guess a string would have been nice, though I am not a fan of poking holes in the walls, especially for rented office space!

Overall Quality

Poster Blurry

Overall, I am very pleased with how this wallscroll turned out. It’s a really nice piece, the artwork was done by the newest addition to the team, Ayasal. I will definitely be ordering more, and I am strongly considering some variations.

wallscroll helppp

#2 looks like a attractive choice, so I think we’ll order more scrolls in both variation #1 and #2. Let us know your thoughts on the wallscroll and if you would enter a fan art competition to win one of these?