tiny wars fan art

All Our Main Character Have Fan Art!

All Our Main Character Have Fan Art! 1920 712 andrew

Whooo this is really awesome, all of our main characters finally have at least 1 fan art! That is really, really cool. Honestly, this is something we would have never expected since the game, the demo, isn’t even released yet! It is so cool that we have managed to build an awesome fan base that interacts with us and I really hope we deliver an awesome product for you guys!

Here are the main girls:

Characters Show Case 7 of 7

From left to right: Kim, Amy, Mary, (Older Sister), Suzu, Kumo, and Eve.

Feel free to use this file for reference of the main characters!

Main Girls: Fan Art Edition!

Characters Show Case (Fan Art) JPEG

Artist credits from right to left: LaDollBlanche, Moriartea-Chan, Loliroripyon, Bunniikitty, Easoka, Lolitakitty1, DrawXAngel.

In a previous posting, we mentioned that Eve and Kumo were the only two characters who haven’t received any fan art yet. By some miracle both Eve and Kumo received fan arts the very next week! Really awesome!

There are more than these characters in TinyWars, but these are the main girls! There will be some side characters, villains, and monsters. You know we have succeeded when even the monsters from the game get fan art!

Bad Guy GIF

TinyWars Fan Art Competition

candy wall scroll tinywars wallscroll

Pictured above is a sample wallscroll mockup. We have ordered an actual wallscroll and once it arrives we’ll see the quality and everything. I really want to host some kind of art competition and giveaway. I want to give out a couple of wallscrolls and other prizes to people who make fan art for us.

This competition should be timed at some point before the demo will release, so we can build some traction before the demo launches! We have received a ton of positive feedback on our social media pages from fans who said they would totally enter a fan art competition!

There is no official competition dates or deadlines yet, will post an update when the wallscroll arrives.

wallscroll helppp

I was having some trouble deciding which wallscroll would be best, after asking the fans, a lot of them said #2 was fine, and #1 was good also. I think I will end up ordering both of them to see in person, but for now, the sample that we ordered was from #1.

Thanks for following the development of TinyWars. Unfortunately I have no significant updates to report on the demo progress, but it is getting closer and closer to completion everyday. Want to make sure we release the demo this year but we also want to make sure it is polished up a bit and presentable, optimized, etc!


TinyWars Fan Art Update #2

TinyWars Fan Art Update #2 1920 1080 andrew

It’s really incredible that people are loving our project enough to actually re-create some of our characters. It’s really motivating and honoring to see so much TinyWars Fan Art! I really have a lot of respect for these people who took their time to create fan art for us, it means a lot!

3D Candy Sister HD Render

tinywars candy sister

This one comes from a 3D artist named Vertex a.k.a. Imagination XD The lighting and colors on this render look very realistic, almost like this could be some kind of clay or play-dough sculpture.

12804616_10204356043136169_9196924814848574665_n 12764504_10204356043096168_5846613676103908657_o

The Candy Sisters will appear in the second chapter of TinyWars. So unfortunately we won’t see them in the first demo release of TinyWars, but this girl and her little sister, Amy, have already gotten a lot of praise for their design and use of bright colors!  We’ll share a lot more details about their stories and personalities later as the project progresses.

Artist: Vertex
Website: http://www.imgxd.cf/

Hand drawn Mary Artwork


This is a sketch of our main character, Mary. The artists totally admits that this was a very quick sketch, but it’s 100 times better than anything I could ever do. No matter what the artist thinks about their own work, me and the TinyWars team really think it’s awesome. Any kind of fan art is more than we could have ever asked for!  Seriously, I mean it!

Now there isn’t much I want to reveal about Mary right now. She is our game’s main character, and you will learn a ton about her character, personality, and backstory from the first chapter of the game… And hopefully it’s interesting to you and makes you want to keep playing more!

Artist: xYoung-KGNAx
DeviantArt: http://xyoung-kgnax.deviantart.com/

Kim A.K.A. “The Fire Witch” Ink Pen

firewitch TinyWars fan art

This is a lovely pose for our fire witch, Kim. This pose makes her look lovely and sweet; good reflection of her personality! The ink pens allow for those white details to stand out a lot more, i’d say this is pretty accurate in terms of her personality and design! 😀

Thank you! – From me and the rest of the TinyWars team! <3

Artist: Bunniikitty
DeviantArt: http://bunniikitty.deviantart.com/

Candy Sister Ink Pen

Bunniikitty Candy Sister White Balance

Here’s another fan art of the Candy Older Sister. (She doesn’t have a name yet) Done by the same artist as the fire witch ink pen drawing! This one is really nice, very impressive that the colors from her original design can be replicated with ink and paper. This is beautiful! Thanks Bunniikitty!!!

Artist: Bunniikitty
DeviantArt: http://bunniikitty.deviantart.com/

Here are the WIP images of both the fan arts from above:

Bunniikitty fire witch transformation - Copy Bunniikitty candy sister fan art progress - Copy

Thank You!

It’s so much fun to receive fan art from people who really like our character designs! The whole team gets motivated every time we receive a new fan art. We’ve never had fan art for any of our projects before, so this is a really interesting and awesome experience! Thanks everyone!

Get Featured

If you want your artwork to be featured in a future Fan Art Update, you can submit your artwork to us through our social media or via this contact form! 

(Just select “Fan Art Submission” in the contact form. You can only submit fan arts via URL, so be sure to upload it somewhere publicly first!!!)